Private Investigators
Dirección General de Seguridad L.O. 829
Col·legi Oficial de Detectius Privats de Catalunya Núm. 141



Since 1962, we investigate objectively and responsibly, servicing individuals, companies and lawyers.

Since then, our directors main aim has been to achieve a high degree of investigation effectiveness and the use of the proper human and technological resources. We also adapt our acts to the current law and to the most strict professional conduct.  

It's been long since we set aside expensive marketing campaigns to be able to give undivided attention to our clients, thus offering very competitive pricing. Most of our new clients come to us through recommendations.

On the other hand, we foster a transparent relationship with our clients. Every case is previously studied and quoted, without compromise, and always offering a customized and confidential treatment.

Our work contributes the precise information to clear our client's doubts. Also, in those cases
where our presence in trials is requested we provide the evidence obtained. Our personal confirmation of the report will guarantee the effectiveness of our work and will contribute to a successful litigation.

Opi's professional investigators, under the current law, hold university degrees in Private Investigation, and professional identification cards issued by the Spanish government, and carry the work ethics built up of many years of experience of our Agency.  

During our long history, we have created professional ties with several well-known specialists in those areas that are frequently related to private investigation such as hand writing specialists, falsification specialists, analysts, psychologists, criminal investigators, and computer specialists.

Our investigations are conducted using the most up to date technology that assures a timely and high quality case resolution.

Once the client presents us his/her case, with a prior study if required and within the time frame agreed, we will provide him/her with an action plan, a schedule, a quote and the terms and conditions for payment.

Assuming all conditions are accepted by the client, we will then complete the investigation within the agreed schedule. A summary report will be provided supporting the results of the investigations along with the evidences obtained. The report will be properly signed and will contain the stamp from the Catalunya Official Association of Private Investigators.
